How To Get Rid Of That Perfume You Just Tried That Is Giving You A Headache

We all know that feeling. You’ve just found a lovely new perfume – you’ve spritzed a paper blotter with it, it smells good, you try it on your skin. Then, something happens. That perfume becomes a monster, slowly but surely turning into a headache (and possibly nausea) inducing disaster on your skin.  You try washing it, and nothing works. Well, there are a few things that do work. First, I recommend making sure your skin is well moisturized before trying or wearing perfume. The oily base of a skin lotion or cream is what the perfume will hold onto and make it last longer or easier to wipe off.

Don’t ask me how I come up with this stuff. But trust me when I say it works.

Here is where I get weird. Ok so you know those feminine hygiene cleaning products, like Summer’s Eve and the worst named product ever made, Vagisil? Yeah, well they make little individually packaged wipes. They have something in them that effectively gets rid of odour and that includes perfume. I read somewhere that the Summer’s Eve body wash was the best way to get rid of a nasty perfume aka “scrubber”, and when I was perusing that weird section of the drugstore I spotted the wipes. They seem a little easier to tote around than a bottle of shower gel. These products wipe away any “smells” you might have on your skin, and leave it soft. They are pH balanced and quite gentle on skin, with very little scent of their own – as I suppose eliminating odour is what they do… Another trick I’ve used is to swipe over the offending perfume with unscented stick deodorant. There is something in there that is specially formulated to deal with unwanted smells.

So, next time you go shopping for perfume, toss a few Summer’s Eve or Vagisil wipes in your purse, and maybe an unscented Lady Speed Stick or something. You’re welcome.

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