I recently had a hankering for a dark navy blue polish with shimmer – yes, my hankerings are *that* specific. An,d while I love Chanel Blue Satin, it somehow felt too dark for summer. It’s a rather awesome “too blue to be black, too black to be blue” shade and I love it, but I wanted something bluer. I was obsessed with Tom Ford Indigo Night for awhile, but I couldn’t track down a bottle and sort of let it go.

Then, I saw the Chanel Blue Notes de Chanel Summer 2015 collection. Fortissimo just sitting there, being the perfect blue and calling to me with it’s Chanel Nail Polish Siren Song. The lyrics are something like “open your wallet, yeah yeah, no, open it a bit wider, now take it all out” or along those lines. So, Fortissimo came home with me and it scratched my itch perfectly. I took a photo of the bottle with a sun beam on it above – the colour is so gorgeous and that shimmer! Oh my! There is no mistaking this for a black polish. That blue is simply perfect.
Chanel Fortissimo is a limited edition shade, and is available at Chanel counters while it’s still in stock. If you want it, go get it – now.
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