As time marches by, I have learned many important beauty lessons. The number one lesson is that it does not matter how much makeup we buy/use, nothing looks good if the canvas, our skin, isn’t healthy. Whenever someone asks me about “beauty secrets”, or how to look your best in the latest and greatest beauty and makeup, I have three words for them: Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! And I mean it. The fact is, I never wear foundation, and I loathe the feeling of heavy makeup on my face. It feels smothering, and it feels like my skin can’t breathe. So I aim for glowing skin – naturally. Well, with the help of products that I seek out – products that I test and assess, so that you don’t have to.
I am on a mission to find The Best Beauty Regimen. Not skincare that promises the impossible, and not treatments that require thousands of dollars. We all want to look after ourselves, to pamper ourselves, and by doing so we put our self care first. Skincare is a huge part of that, as is caring for our health.
So, important things: hydration. We all drink so much coffee (seriously, our grandchildren will call us the generation of coffee drinkers) but do we realize that coffee (and tea) are diuretics? They dehydrate us as we drink them. It is important to replenish our bodies, and I swear you will see a difference. A quick test is the elasticity test on the back of your hand – pull the skin up and watch how quickly it bounces back. If it takes it’s time, you’re dehydrated.
I am starting a new skincare regimen this month with Lise Watier’s Sublimessence, a highly concentrated age-defying serum formulated with the exclusive Labrador Tea extract, a highly potent Canadian antioxidant. For ages, Native Canadians have valued Labrador Tea (or Ledum Groenlandicum) for its therapeutic properties, using it to heal burns and treat chapped or inflamed skin. Weathering the harsh Canadian climate and its extreme temperature fluctuations, this adaptable bush keeps its leaves year round. Labrador Tea is named after the swamps of Greenland and Labrador, where it grows in profusion.

I will be sharing my experiences with this serum, and some of my favourite tips for looking and feeling your best from the inside out. I will also be hosting an amazing Lise Watier giveaway, so be sure to join me in my journey to ageless skin!
Be sure to follow Lise Watier on Instagram, they post delicious photos full of beauty. There are some shoes I have my eye on….
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