Um, how did I not know about this? I just happend to be obsessing browsing on the Sephora website the other day and stumbled upon Charlotte Ronson’s Closer Finishing Powder. I have never bought anything from her line, but I’ve seen a few sets and thought they were pretty. Also, her perfume is soft and nice – if you like beachy scents, give hers a try.
So. The powder. It is pretty much the exact same packaging as my obsession, Jane Iredale Brush Me Matte powder. The Iredale powder is hard to find and also, $45. The Charlotte Ronson Powder is at every Sephora that carries her line and via Sephora’s website, and is $24. Differences – Iredale is mineral make up and the Charlotte Ronson powder has talc. From my reading on the subject online, it seems there is a lot of misinformation about talc and skincare and the big “C”, ie cancer warnings. This is one of the many problems with bad information – it gets regurgitated by people panicing and worrying. The truth is, the talc warnings were many many years ago when asbestos was used in talc. Do your own research if you like, but I have satisfied myself with the knowledge that it is fine and is amazing for oily skinned folks. Even the American Cancer Society website says there is nothing to connect talc in cosmetics to cancer. Alright, now we have that out of the way.
Charlotte Ronson Closer Finishing Powder is amazing and I’m really surprised that it hasn’t got more love in the beauty blogosphere. It is colourless and eliminates shine on contact. It has the brush attached to a bottle hybrid design. Some people don’t like this, some people, like me, love it. I am way too lazy to bother with a loose powder and a brush in my make up bag and this is perfect. Yes, it requires a little fiddling to get the hang of, but once you get it, application is a breeze. It also has a twist up design that protects the brush from splaying out when you put the cap on, which Iredale does not have on her brush. One word of caution- it opens via a twist off cap at the bottom, I assume to refill. I’d say be very careful of this as it could result in a powdery purse fiasco. It applies seamlessly over any make up you are wearing, has no shimmer, but yet does not make your skin look flat or dull. It is paraben free, and from what I can tell, is fragrance free as well. Here is cute bit of info from – apparently Charlotte’s friends inspire her make up collection:
“Rashida Jones has a natural glow that could never be bottled. Her skin is luminous and she always looks flawless under any light. Inspired by her effortless radiance, this powder filters light to create a glowing finish for skin that looks naturally perfect—even when up-close.” —Charlotte Ronson
Rashida Jones? I have a serious girl-crush on Rashida and while I know I could never look like her, I love the prettiness/cool factor of this little factoid. Verdict? Utter and complete love. Will it replace my Jane Iredale Brush Me Matte? Time will tell….

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