Sometimes we just want to smell like ourselves. Sometimes we want to as good as we feel when we get out of the shower or bath. When our skin is warm and soft, and we are wrapped in a big fluffy towel, that’s the feeling I want. Sometimes my nose is overloaded, due to allergies, migraines or even hormones, and the last thing I want is a strong scent. Sometimes it’s just my mood. Often my bedtime perfumes are like this – soft and gentle and soothing for sleep.
Gendarme & Gendarme Carrière: These are men’s and women’s scents, respectively. They are very similar, with the women’s version being slightly more floral than the mens, but just as fresh. I love them both, and both my husband and I wear the line. It is pure soft soap, without any of the sharp edges in some “soapy” scents on the market. Launched in 1991, Gendarme is the original clean and fresh fragrance line, and has been copied by many others. It is still my personal favourite, and on hot summer days it’s a shower in a bottle. Either one is a great choice, and it is always in my perfume cupboard.
Demeter Clean Skin: This one is completely unisex and lovely! As soft as they come, Demeter Clean Skin smells like warm skin after a bubble bath. Completely soft and unobtrusive, with some gentle citrus and floral notes, Clean Skin is transparent and lets your chemistry take over and make it your very own.
Le Labo Ambrette: This is a perfume created for babies, and is literally the softest perfume I have ever tried. The precious Ambrette seed has soft and gentle musk scent, and with some soft fruity notes (almost undetectable) the alcohol-free version of this perfume is the perfect perfume for people who don’t like perfume. Another perfect bedtime scent for sure, I have never tried anything like Le Labo Ambrette. It is definitely worth a try for those seeking a luxury perfume for sensitive noses and skin.
Annick Goutal Eau d’Hadrien: This is a beautiful and simple citrus perfume, and smells to me like lemony orange soap. This is a perfect “perfume for people who don’t like perfume” scent. It is never “perfumey” (not that there is anything wrong with that!) and perfect for anyone who just wants to smell fresh. It does have a hint of the classic eau de colognes, and I always associate that scent with cleanliness. Beautifully unisex.
Jovan Musk for Women: Guys – this one is amazing. Don’t let it’s sexy 70s vibe turn you away, Jovan Musk For Women smells like Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo! It is super soft, and another one that works with your chemistry rather than overwhelming it. Jovan Musk is really a comfort scent, as it has a warm aspect that always makes me think of that “fresh out of the bath” feeling. Love!
Musti Eau de Soin: Another alcohol-free, gentle as water scent. This has passed my migraine test, which is pretty tough for any scent to do. It smells like the air in the bathroom when you have a bubble bath, which is pretty soft! It has added ingredients that soften skin, which is pretty much the opposite of alcohol, and is the softest perfume in my collection.
Do you like soft perfumes? What are your favourite “no perfume perfume”?
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