I’ve been conducting some retinol tests lately & have wanted to share some results. The problem with retinols is that you really need to give them around six weeks to get to work, meaning esting more than one could go on forever. I’ve decided to use one brand for around 3-4 weeks, take a couple weeks off, then switch brands, and so on. Then I’ll pop over here to add dispatches at various stages as I go along. I may or may not stay wholly true to this schedule.
Skinceuticals Retinol 0.3 is the treatment I am currently using. Let me tell you, Skinceuticals does not come to play when it comes to their retinol formulations. They feel like the strongest products you can safely use short of getting a prescription. There is a noticeable improvement in the texture of my skin after 3 weeks however I think I am still in the “retinol uglies” with Skinceuticals. My skin was rolling off a bit around the 2 week mark so I started taking a day or two off between usage. A bit of that (not as bad) and a little irritation are what I am currently dealing with, but there is no question my skin is smoother and glowy.
Skinceuticals Retinol 0.3 Concentrate is the retinol treatment for the person who is ready to get serious about their skincare. The formula is available in two strengths, 0.3 and 0.5, so you can start with a lighter one and move up if you feel ready. The formula is a light lotion-serum concentrate that spreads easily and absorbs well on the skin. I apply it after essences and serums but but before heavier lotions, creams and oils. Scent free. Highly recommend.
Reversa Retin[A]list cream haven’t reviewed yet- stay tuned!
Differin Gel Adapalene 0.1 is a synthetic retinol in a clear gel, and was originally a prescription only treatment most often used for acne. It’s now available in an OTC version at drugstores and Walmart in the US. It’s a little task master, nothing fancy, just the active ingredient with nothing really skin friendly. I quite liked my Differin experience. It’s not strong but it does work. My skin texture improved noticeably and I did get that post retinol use glow we all wish to attain. I saw results fairly quickly, after around two weeks. Differin felt clean and cool on the skin, with an aloe type of texture and I applied along with my serums. Scent free. Highly recommend.
Vichy LiftActiv Retinol HA is so far, my favourite gentle yet impactful retinol. It took around three weeks to show results but the results were great. The texture is similar to the Skinceuticals, sort of creamy fluid lotion that applies evenly and easily. It was non-irritating, but to be fair this was the first retinol I tried and I was gun shy after previous retinol disasters. I started very slowly with the Vichy retinol. I adored the way this made my skin feel- over a few weeks it was softer, smoother and my pores looked less full/noticeable.
Indeed Labs Retinol Reface haven’t tested yet – stay tuned!

Vichy Liftactive HA Retinol Concentrate regime
These are my impressions to date. I am a convert one hundred percent and frankly cannot believe I am 53 and have gone without using retinol this long. WTF. My skin has completely lost any dull or leathery or weathered appearance. When I ask my husband if my skin is glowing, he confirms that yes it is No but seriously, here is the thing. I take selfies for dalybeauty all the time. And you know how hard that is! I see all the details that I miss in the mirror every day when I’m not wearing my glasses. And that 10 x magnifying mirror I use for makeup and tweezing does not spare any pore or line as I am sure you well know. The changes in my skin since I started this journey in June are incredible. And I see them back track a bit when I cease use of the retinols. I will still be working to find the maintenance plan that works best for my skin when I am done.
Important! Keeping your skin hydrated and moisturized during retinol treatments is very important. I have found my skin wants a heavier moisturizer than I would usually use. Fit Glow Cloud Ceramide Balm, CeraVe Moisturizing Cream and Nivea Creme are all helping me and I highly recommend them all. I plan to grab some Weleda Skin Food as it’s supposed to be terrific while using retinols.
Have you used any of these retinols? Or any other ones you can tell me about- because listen I love to know it all!
Vichy LiftActiv HA Retinol, Skinceuticals Retinol 0.3, Indeed Labs Retinol Reface, Reversa Retint(A) List Cream, Differin Gel Adapalene 0.1, retinol skin sensitive, how to use retinol, best retinols for aging skin
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